if( $comic['id'] == "" )

Happy birthday to meeeeee. - 20 Nov 2006 03:27 pm
Hello, my name is Tyrus Peace, and I just learned to rhyme. It is my birthday! The weekend saw celebration in the form of a full on pre-Thanksgiving Thanksgiving meal. I partook of it gratefully, as is the tradition. Thanksgiving two is just around the corner! Joy. I must be off to catch a bus now that my bicycle has been unleashed into the wild by questionably enthusiastic bicycle rights advocates. My not-included spam is telling me that I ought to stay for "slumber party gymnastics", but I really do have places to be. -Tyrus Peace  |
I have the immune system of a wet nap. - 29 Nov 2006 09:57 pm
I pretty much disappeared last Tuesday and didn't give any heads up here. I've been laying prone most of the time, interspersed with brief bursts of activity that only served to worsen my state. Preliminary results say it's pneumonia. I think patients should be shown their own X-rays as a matter of good form. None of this shipping them off to the doctor right away business! My diseased lungs could be Christmas cards by now. -Tyrus Peace  |
Late, but it's coming. - 12 Dec 2006 05:20 am Apologies. I've done comics on finals week just fine before, but I wasn't wrapping up game development and pulmonary infections at the same time then. -Tyrus Peace  |
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