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Earlier than usual but not on time. - 04 Mar 2008 04:14 am

I like this script.

-Tyrus Peace


Gorillas are trouble. - 12 Mar 2008 09:12 pm

I've been on a "spring break" vacation from work. I updated Progeny to use a new sound library, and those of you who had issues with sounds not playing in the past can read about and download the new beta from this forum post. I'm forgoing updating the main Progeny site with it until I get some feedback that it's actually fixing things for people, so please do get back to me about that if you had issues with sound playing in the past.

I was originally planning on outright taking the week off from the comic as I'm on vacation, but I got a bit excited after the site got several thousand StumbleUpon hits (hi). Despite that, I've been pretty bushed this week, and my color coordination skills with gorillas in arctic backdrops have been failing pretty poorly, so I probably won't get a new comic to you before the weekend. I probably should have seen that coming. Apologies.

My trial copy of Photoshop expires in five days. I still haven't found my old Photoshop Elements install disk. Boo.

-Tyrus Peace


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