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193 - D&D Stories: Finding Angela
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193 - D&D Stories: Finding Angela
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For a friend. - 13 Sep 2012 09:48 pm

This is a story that happened in a D&D campaign run by my friend Daniel. I apologize if it concentrates a bit too much on my character.

My friend Daniel is a great fantasy artist who we're very fortunate to have as our DM. He was recently (badly) surprised by a brain tumor. He appears to have survived its removal admirably and is getting ready for further treatments, but he was uninsured at the time of surgery and is now in the hole for a good few hundred thousand dollars.

You can help Daniel on Indiegogo. We're collecting the maps, art and notes from his D&D campaign in digital form so that contributors can experience his D&D adventures. I hope we can help our friend.

-Tyrus Peace


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