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This is good news. Really good news. - 27 Jul 2015 01:28 am
I was uncomfortably, perhaps cowardlily, waiting until I officially submitted my resignation at work before I made any comics about my upcoming move and job change. Turns out we had to sell and buy houses too, though? Things are taking a while. I have a bit of time now, though. Or perhaps I've merely had a lapse in judgement. I'm here now. Writing about this was partly put off because of professional reasons. There was also the matter of this life I'm trying to live in Arizona in the meantime, though. Acknowledging the future, and how much I wanted it, would make it that much more a part of me. And this life wouldn't have all of me any more. I'm ready, and I'm thrilled to be going. I lived apart from my wife for a year while she was a postdoc in another state. It proved a nice confirmation that we could handle some shit, but damn, man. That was some shit. I will miss this place. I will miss these people. They are in my bones. But this move, this change: it's in my blood. Expect more games. And more comics. -Tyrus Peace  |
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