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85 - Unexpected Visitors
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Back to your irregularly scheduled program - 31 Jul 2006 07:58 pm

This comic's a bit too big for me to finish today, but I'll post the lines for your current enjoyment. Tune in tomorrow for colors and additions to the shop.

-Tyrus Peace


Comic colored and an addition to the shop - 01 Aug 2006 08:31 pm

Clay portraits have been added to the store.

For the month of August, there are no shipping charges for clay portraits. Buy a portrait and e-mail me a picture to have your very own self immortalized in sculpey and acrylics. The opposite sex will surely find you more attractive when you carry around a miniature doppleganger of yourself.

Another coming addition to the store is the PANTS shirt, which I am hoping will join the ranks of merchandise before the next comic is posted.

Refresh if you can't see this comic's colors.

-Tyrus Peace


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