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94 - Tiny Hamster Toilet
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You'd be better off making a giant hamster maze for yourself. - 01 Oct 2006 11:22 pm

Stolen pretty directly from Angie's reply to my own consternation over this problem. I seriously suspect that she stole it from my mind. Also, the original punchline of "Genius!" was foregone in favor of something that hasn't been beaten to death by beer commercials. Thanks a lot, Guinness.

If I were a superhero, my weakness would be bad remixes of Wonderwall.

-Tyrus Peace


My bad. - 08 Oct 2006 10:32 pm

It seems I enjoyed my weekend too much as I am suddenly drowning in work. Apologies, but it is past 8 in the PMs and I haven't yet started the comic. Don't hold out for it tonight. On the plus side, the scanner I bought for five dollars at Goodwill is working! Hey hey hey.

-Tyrus Peace


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