Progeny is an evolutionary ecosystem simulation which renders the lives of virtual organisms as they grow, multiply, and mutate. Colors and size serve as simple displays for the attributes of each virtual creature. As lives begin and end, audio samples will play to create a unique soundscape representative of the simulated biosphere. Designed to inspire wonder in the natural world through the virtual, Progeny looks to provide a beautiful, intuitive look at simulated life and the patterns it creates.
This build of Progeny requires Windows. The faster your computer, the more organisms you'll be able to render at once.
If you are running Progeny in Windows Vista, you may have to set "run Progeny.bat" and "bin/Progeny.exe" to run in compatibility mode for "(Windows XP Service Pack 2)". This option is accessible by right clicking a file in Explorer and going to "Properties".
Tool selection:
c camera only tool
s selection tool
f tile fertilizer tool
k tile killer tool
g tile genesis tool
left click to use tools.
w spawn herbivore
e spawn carnivore
r spawn plant
p pause
left click + drag: rotate
right click + drag: zoom
middle click + drag: pan
Lifeform attributes are represented through color RGB value. Lighter colors are better.
Red plants have a larger average spawn radius.
Green plants have more offspring per spawn.
Blue plants spend less energy per spawn.
Red animals have higher adrenaline, meaning they can sprint farther and are likely to attack for more damage.
Green animals are faster.
Blue animals spend less energy per spawn.
Sounds play for each birth and death in Progeny.
The sound played is based on the size of the lifeform.
You can make new sound sets.
The folder structure is: Progeny/sounds/YOURSOUNDS
Files inside the folder are named starting from 0 in this format.
You can have as many life and death sounds as you want, so long as there are no gaps in the numbering.
WAV files are the only supported format for sounds thus far. Lower numbers are played for smaller animals.
You will need to change the data/settings.ini file to point to your new sound set.
The format for the settings.ini file is: audio:YOURSOUNDS with no unnecessary spaces.
Pointing at nonexistent folders will probably crash Progeny.
If you make a sweet sound set, mail it to me and I'll link you.
With your permission, I may also include it in the next release of Progeny.
Please direct feedback/bug reports to
the forums.
Feel free to mail questions, comments, and sound sets to
Code, art and design: Tyrus Peace
Piano sound set: Mikaela Miller
Oniap sound set: Robert Lavery, using Mikaela Miller's Piano sound set
Progeny uses
OpenSceneGraph and
Change log
0.6.4 beta:
+Added error handling for irrKlang.
0.6.3 beta:
+Changed to irrKlang sound libraries.
0.6.2 beta:
+Fixed no sound issue
alpha 0.6.1:
+Corrected typo in in game controls
+Removed unnecessary prints
alpha 0.6:
+Added Oniap sound set by Robert Lavery
+Added selection, genesis, fertilizer, and kill tools
+Added optional size parameter in the settings.ini file
+Spawn functions now spawn animals at mouse coords, or randomly if the cursor isn't on grid.
+Improved plant graphics/performance
+Fixed bug where prey would sometimes gain health from a predator's attack
alpha 0.5:First public release