if(file_exists("code/settings.php")) {
include "code/settings.php";
if(file_exists("code/titles.php")) include "code/titles.php";
if(file_exists("admin/languages/english.php")) include "admin/languages/english.php";
else {
echo "Critical error
Language file english could not be found.
"; exit; } if(!isset($s) || $s == "") $s = "front"; if((!isset($p) || $p == "") && $s != "gallery") $p = "index"; $p = str_replace("../", "", $p); $s1 = substr($s, 0, 1); if($s == "guestbook") $countcat = "v"; else $countcat = $s1; if($s1 == "r") { $pc = str_replace("/", "-", $p); $pc = str_replace("?", "-", $pc); $pc = str_replace(":", "-", $pc); $countfile = "counter/${countcat}_$pc.txt"; } else $countfile = "counter/${countcat}_$p.txt"; if($countfile == "counter/_.txt") $countfile = "counter/f_index.txt"; if(file_exists($countfile)) { $handle = fopen($countfile, "r"); $counttext = fread($handle, filesize ($countfile)); fclose($handle); $counttext++; if(!$handle = @fopen($countfile,"w")) $err = 1; fputs($handle, $counttext); fclose($handle); } else { if(!$handle = @fopen($countfile,"w")) $err = 1; fputs($handle, "1"); fclose($handle); } $variable = "${s1}_$p"; if($s1 == "b" || $s1 == "n") { if(file_exists("blogs/$p.php")) { include "blogs/$p.php"; $pagetitle = "$sitetitle $split $blogtitle"; $thispagetitle = "$blogtitle"; } else { $pagetitle = $sitetitle; $thispagetitle = $sitetitle; } } elseif($s == "gallery") { if(file_exists("gallery/$p.php")) { include "gallery/$p.php"; $pagetitle = "$sitetitle $split $name"; $thispagetitle = "$name"; } } elseif($s == "rss") { include "code/rss.php"; $pagetitle = "$sitetitle $split $rsstitle"; $thispagetitle = $rsstitle; } elseif($s == "guestbook") { $pagetitle = "$sitetitle $split $title_guestbook"; $thispagetitle = "$title_guestbook"; } else { if(isset($title[$variable])) { $pagetitle = "$sitetitle $split $title[$variable]"; $thispagetitle = "$title[$variable]"; } else { $pagetitle = $sitetitle; $thispagetitle = $sitetitle; } } if($print == 1) { echo "
$txt_printpg | $txt_close |
RSS"; if($printable == 0) echo " |
"; else echo " "; echo "$txt_printable |
"; include "code/content.php"; } } } else { echo "Welcome to PHP-Update. You must first install the script. To do this, run the installer by clicking here."; } ?>