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There are ears on my head. - 21 Jan 2008 01:56 am
I have, improbably, spectacularly, returned from San Francisco. Indeed, the wild street bears of the city posed no real problem once I found they were susceptible to my mad kung fus. There was a small child who danced an excellent robot, and Sir Kippy Marks proved to be a rather dapper improviolinist. I was going to offer a bounty on his albums as I didn't have cash on me when I first observed his wily violinin', but I've since discovered another path by which my hunger might be sated. While we're discussing muzaks, this video is an entrancing, epic example of why I'm willing to admit enjoying Shiina Ringo's tunes despite my near allergic reaction to musicians of the J hyphen variety. My car has decided that it is best to leave the dome light on, regardless of switch positions and door shutliness. I disagree with Car. -Tyrus Peace  |
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