if( $comic['id'] == "" )
Whoa hey never mind. - 09 Oct 2006 02:06 am
I said I wouldn't have a comic up Sunday night. It's a minute into Monday, so I didn't really lie. I'm glad to have a comic for you, but I apologize for the roundabout fashion in which it has come to your internetty doorstep. In other comic news, I totally forgot to mention that I did a guest strip for the sexcellent Okay Pants. You can view another, decidedly worse comic that I drew and scrapped for the guest week here. I went to Goodwill last saturday for their half-off sale, and while I got a scanner for a delightfully low price, I also got this: I don't mean to spoil it for you, but BibleMan wins. Also, the fifth part of that mario series finally came out in July. I checked its site less frequently as my faith in its release dwindled, but am glad that I did not entirely give up. The epic battles and dramatic storyline have always been hilariously enthralling for me. I couldn't stop laughing at the ending, which may well be a sign that I'm a heartless bastard. -Tyrus Peace  |
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